Care For Your Tornado Thoughts

“Thoughts become things” – Rhonda Byrne. The above beautiful quote seemed to be so true when i saw my thoughts turning real. I would be hungry only to see all…

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No Birth No Death – The Liberation

Since we came to existence we are offered with a beautiful ROM – The read only memory. Every living being has ROM, may be limited for some and some with…

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Fill In The Blank

In every step of life,be it from a single cell organism to the most advanced organism as human being, each and every being tries to fill in some or the…

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A Person Can Only Take Things Personally

Is it really possible to not take things personally? Who can really take things personally? Suppose a person takes his boss’ response personally,it means he has mixed up his professional…

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Acceptance Attracts Surrender

Do you know why suffering is not alleviated through spirituality? In fact 99.9% of the aspirants doesn’t find solution to their suffering in any spiritual organisations/group, rather hold on to…

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Attention Parents

This post is solely to the attention of the parents. In most of the cases all around the world, Parents provide the best to their kids, with all the options…

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Divine Life

“Living with divine virtues is worshipping divine“ Knowing that you are divine is not the mandatory prerequisite to live like divine. However you understand the divine to be, live as…

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“Living with divine virtues is worshipping divine“ Do you know why suffering is not alleviated through spirituality? In fact 99.9% of the aspirants doesn’t find solution to their suffering in…

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